TANSEIYU SHIHO HANAIRE (Flower Vase with Pale Blue glaze) Hagi ware
¥44,000 JPY
SHIGARAKI ICHIRINZASHI (Single Flower Vase B) Shigaraki ware
¥11,000 JPY
SHIGARAKI KABIN (Flower Vessel D) Shigaraki ware
¥19,800 JPY
SHIGARAKI KABIN (Flower Vessel C) Shigaraki ware
¥19,800 JPY
SHIGARAKI KAKI (Flower Vase C) Shigaraki ware
¥27,500 JPY
HAKUJI MENTORI KAKI (White Porcelain Faceted Vase) Arita ware
¥55,000 JPY
HAKUJI MENTORI SENBORI KAKI (White Porcelain Faceted Vase with carved Line design B) Arita ware
¥24,200 JPY
WASHIZOME BOKASHIMON KAKI (Flower Vase with gradation design) Airta ware
¥44,000 JPY
WASHIZOME SAKURMON Ichirinzashi (Single Flower Vase with Cherry Petals design B) Arita ware
¥27,500 JPY
SAISHOKUZOGAN MENTORI KAKI (Faceted Vase with Inlay Decoration) Arita ware
¥330,000 JPY
SAISHOKUZOGAN KAKI (Vase with Inlay Decoration) Arita ware
¥165,000 JPY
AIIROSHINO ICHIRINSASHI (Indigo Shino type A Single Flower Vase B) Mino ware
¥88,000 JPY
KOKUSAI HANAIRE (Flower Vase with Black decoration) Hagi ware
¥55,000 JPY
HAKUYU RYOKUSAI HANAIRE (Green Colored Flower Vase with White glaze) Hagi ware
¥44,000 JPY
TANSEIYU HANAIRE (Flower Vase with Pale Blue glaze G) Hagi ware
¥88,000 JPY
TANSEIYU HANAIRE (Flower Vase with Pale Blue glaze F) Hagi ware
¥66,000 JPY
TETSUKI HANAIRE (Flower Vase a Bridging Handle I) Bizen ware
¥77,000 JPY
HANAIRE (Flower Vase W) Bizen ware
¥77,000 JPY
HANAIRE (Flower Vase V) Bizen ware
¥59,400 JPY
HANAIRE (Flower Vase U) Bizen ware
¥79,200 JPY